Corporate | Government Leadership Development Seminars

Based on extensive research and practical applications, as developed by two professors at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, the Delta Leadership Six Domains of Leadership Model (SDLM) is a proven foundation that leads to behavioral changes, resulting in the development of highly effective and inspirational leaders. Thousands of leaders have successfully incorporated this model into their personal leadership and organizational culture.

Benefits of the Program

Gain insight into individual leadership styles

Develop common language of leadership qualities

Elevate performance
of organizational
leaders at every level

Create a culture of leadership that drives team productivity and positive outcomes

we offer three tiers to meet your organization’s needs and budget

Let Delta Leadership help you design a leadership development program that best fits your needs and offers a common framework and language of leadership to your participants.

Delta will provide certification and resource materials to enable your faculty to facilitate the program or provide an experienced Delta Leadership facilitator to guide participants through each domain of the Model.​

Program Participants in Each Tier Receive

Resource materials and interactive exercises are integral components of these dynamic seminars.

  • Personal Reflection Journal
  • Leadership Planning Guide
  • Leadership Action Deck
  • Personal Six Domains Poster
  • A Six Domains Pocket Card
  • Six Domains of Leadership White Paper

Tier One

One-Day Leadership Seminar (Onsite or Virtual)

Working with an experienced Delta Leadership facilitator, during this one-day seminar your team explore each domain of the Six Domains of Leadership Model and how to maximize each to develop a well-rounded leadership style that can be incorporated into the culture of your organization.

Both senior executives and emerging leaders learn how to identify specific leadership challenges and strengths, define responsibilities and explore the specific qualities they need to develop or improve so they can move toward their highest quality of productivity.

Participants come to understand their personal leadership style in order to build trust and a strong sense of community among both teams and entire organizations.

Tier TWO

Two-day Custom-tailored Leadership Development Seminar

In addition to all that is included in Tier One, prior to the Two-Day seminar, participants participate in the Six Domains of Leadership Survey (SDLS), a comprehensive 360° leadership development assessment, an outgrowth of the Six Domains of Leadership Model. Through participating in the Six Domains of Leadership 360° Survey (SDLS) your team members:

Day Two allows participants to better identify their strengths and areas of weakness so they can turn new behaviors into action immediately. It also addresses organizational challenges, such as leading change, leading a diverse workforce and employee recruitment and retention.

Tier Three

Three-day Custom-tailored Leadership Development Seminar

This seminar includes everything in Tiers One and Two, but it is not a standardized program; it is  customized curriculum designed just for your company. It includes a more intense look at the Six Domains of Leadership Model  and how it leads to both personal and organizational productivity in your specific organization. Resource materials for future planning are included.

Participants “play” the Trust Game, a highly effective (and fun!) exercise designed to build top-notch teams, one of a leader’s biggest challenges.

Prior to the seminar, participants complete the Six Domains of Leadership 360° Survey (SDLS). Two virtual leadership coaching sessions to guide the participants in interpreting the results of the survey and assisting to develop a personal leadership plan that can be implemented immediately.

Optional Leadership Coaching

Delta Leadership offers optional virtual and onsite leadership coaching for participants in Tiers One and Two of its corporate and government seminars. Our certified coaches are trained to work with clients to debrief and interpret the results of the Six Domains of Leadership Survey and guide them in developing a personal action plan for leadership development. 

For pricing, contact Joyce Monaco at or call 919-636-5170.

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